Sunday, June 1, 2008

Sunday, June 01, 2008

A happy June to all of you! And now for a short and sweet report on the week’s activities.

Friday was the last day to file for statewide office, and so that was the day I showed up in the Secretary of State’s office in Cheyenne, and made it official. The trip home turned into a campaign swing, with stops in Chugwater, Glendo, and Douglas.

One of the best parts of campaigning is that it gives me a reason to talk to each and every Wyomingite I come across. These are my people! People are great in this state, there’s always something interesting to chat about.

I had a letter to the editor published this week in the Casper Star-Tribune. In it I publicly challenged my opponent to a series of public debates, but have not heard anything back, and I doubt that I will.

His strategy is to pretend that he has already won the nomination, but we shall see if that level of illusion will stand the test of time.

In a telling comment on the lack of political understanding at the upper levels of the Casper Star-Tribune, today’s editorial referred to my opponent as “one of John Barrasso’s opponents”.

So wrong, so sorry. It would have been correct to say, ‘one of John Barrasso’s POTENTIAL opponents’, but they failed to accurately categorize

the situation. Where’s the political knowledge of yesteryear?

My downtown Casper campaign office will be ready to occupy this week, and so I will haul my accumulation of campaign materials down there and set up shop soon.

Type with you all next week!


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Welcome to my campaign


Campaign contributions are welcome. In keeping with my longstanding policy, I accept a maximum of $100 from any individual. I do not accept donations from Political Action Committees (PACs).

If you would like to donate, mail to:
Goodenough for Wyoming
PO Box 1852
Casper WYO 82602

E-mail me

Wyoming Constitution...Article 1, Section 1: All power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety and happiness; for the advancement of these ends they have at all times an inalienable and indefeasible right to alter, reform or abolish the government in such manner as they may think proper.