Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Citizens of Wyoming! I would like to announce that I will be a candidate on the Democratic primary ballot for the four-year United States Senate, a seat temporarily being held by John Barrasso.

As always, my campaign will be based on giving honest opinions with regard to the root causes of the economic and social problems that face our country, as well as advancing long range solutions to those problems.

I will continue to abide by my self-imposed campaign finance limits: no donations from Political Action Committees (PACs), and a limit of $100 per individual donor.

Thank you, and let the campaign season begin!


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Welcome to my campaign


Campaign contributions are welcome. In keeping with my longstanding policy, I accept a maximum of $100 from any individual. I do not accept donations from Political Action Committees (PACs).

If you would like to donate, mail to:
Goodenough for Wyoming
PO Box 1852
Casper WYO 82602

E-mail me

Wyoming Constitution...Article 1, Section 1: All power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety and happiness; for the advancement of these ends they have at all times an inalienable and indefeasible right to alter, reform or abolish the government in such manner as they may think proper.