Thursday, July 31, 2008

Money Ain't Everything!

Good Morning Wyoming!
    A most interesting piece of political news from our great neighbor to the north, the state of Montana, has come to my attention.
    In a three way race for the Democratic nomination for the U.S. House seat, a candidate by the name of John Driscoll won by a pretty hefty margin. Of course I do not recall the exact numbers, being somewhat detail impaired, but it was something like 70,000 to 59,000 to 30,000.
    Their Primary Election is the first part of June, and so this is not exactly breaking news, The real news is that a guy by the name of John Driscoll won the race without spending ANY MONEY. At least that is what the campaign video said. They had to spend a little I would think, at least the filing fee and such.
    That is amazing news really! To think that a candidate from a major party could win a statewide primary race without spending money is revolutionary, is it not?
    It gives me some encouragement for my race. For twenty years I have been practicing my own version of campaign finance reform. I accept no money from special interest groups, and I only accept a maximum of $100.00 from any one person.
    It now appears that I am actually a moderate in this area!
    This is an area where the difference between conventional politics and progressive politics is stark. Conventional politicians from both parties yak about how Congress should do this and that to reform the campaign finance laws, but what are the chances of that ever happening anytime soon? Candidates like myself, and John Driscoll from Montana, look at the issue from the grassroots up, and take action.
    We just do what we think is right, and work to succeed with our self-imposed limitations, in the hopes that the electorate will take notice and respond in a positive way.
    It could work in my race as well!
    If you are reading this, and want to help make my campaign a success, go to and donate.
Thank you Wyoming!

Monday, July 28, 2008

July 27, 2008


Greetings and good evening!

Ever since I ran for office in 1986, my campaigns have been funded by small contributions from individuals. I accept no money from special interests (Political Action Committees), and I only accept a maximum of $100.00 per person. This is not the usual approach!

Political Action Committee (PAC) money is a corrupting influence on the entire political system in this country. There are limits on individual contributions, but not on PAC money. If you want to see a disgusting example of how conventional politicians fund their campaigns, go to the list of the PAC contributors to John Barrasso's current campaign. There are about 500 individual donations from a long list of industries that want to have John Barrasso on the line for many votes over the next 4 years. Check it out:

That adds up to more than 1 million dollars, and the campaign season has not yet really started! Disgusting is one word for it, but of course there are many others.

Then of course there are individual contributions as well. Go to:

There are 624 individuals, many from out of state, that have given thus far to John Barrasso, and all of that is fine. The fact that captured my attention is that most of the donations are for $1000.00 and up!

I have self
-imposed my unilateral campaign finance reform system for a number of reasons. The main reason being that the source of the money that funds campaigns has influence on that candidate. I never want to be in the position of having a struggling thought pass through my mind that my vote on an issue that I believe impacts people like you, could also end up impacting my ability to raise money and garner re-election.

If an industry has given some enormous sum of money to a candidate, $100,000 would not be uncommon, then you can bet that when an issue that impacts both industry and the people comes to a vote, there will be a choice that has to be made. We'll take a look at some of the bills that Mr. Barrasso has voted on in my next Underdog Update!

Interesting Note: My opponent in the Primary Election race has criticized Senator John Barrasso for being in the pocket of special interests, and rightfully so.

Unfortunately, "Conflict" Nick is doing the same dirty deed!
Go to:

Such a strategy does not say much for my opponent's political intelligence. Wyoming voters will not respect a politician who criticizes politicians who take special intest money while doing the same thing. That dog will not hunt!

Keith Goodenough, your WY Candidate for US Senate

Monday, July 21, 2008

July 20, 2008

Alright All,
We are now within the one month countdown...tick,tick,tick!
The primary is on August 19th, and we are at July 20th...tick,tick,tick.
Before I forget again:
Check it out!
We will plan for a podcast next Sunday P.M. Details to follow later this week.
My yard signs are going up here and there at various locations. If they don't win the beautiful yard sign competition, then there is something wrong with the evaluation procedure!
Top three ways to help get me elected:
1...agree to phone call Wyoming Democrats on my behalf
2...send no more than $100.00 to Box 1852, Casper, 82602
3...write a letter to the editor, to your local paper and to the Casper Star-Tribune, and give me a plug. If you have trouble thinking of something positive to say...I can help!
That's all for now. Thank you to those who have volunteered thus far. Tick, tick, tick..............
Keith "I want to be Elected!" Goodenough

Monday, July 14, 2008

July 14, 2008

Good morning,

I was waiting to find out a few details on a new campaign podcast before sending this out, but I think I will have to send the info later in the week since I don't have it yet.

Please keep in mind that absentee voting has begun. All you have to do is call your county clerk and a ballot will be sent your way. Or stop by the Courthouse.

Here is an old thought........still looking for volunteers!!

And, if you are intending to contribute something, up to a max of $100.00, this would be a good time to take the leap and write the check.

More to follow,

Sunday, July 6, 2008

July 6, 2008

A Happy Independence Day Weekend to One and All,

I was contemplating typing in the Declaration of Independence for all of you to read, but I can't type that fast. As part of my campaign I have read portions of it at some of my campaign stops however. Good political concepts never go out of style!

There is a good chance that I will be able to participate in a series of podcasts over the next few weeks. I am trying to arrange for a once a week podcast on Sunday evenings from 6 pm to 7 pm, and invite my opponent to be a part of each and every one of them. I doubt that he will accept, but with enough voter pressure he might.
More info to follow!

In order for the Wyoming Democratic Party to advance, we must be in the lead in using new technologies, and this should be one. Think of the potential if primary races in the WyoDem Party were conducted to a large degree via podcasts!

The advantages would be numerous. Politics should be about logic, and with unlimited 'airtime' on the computer a candidate like myself would have the time to fully flesh out a platform for the voters. The cost in time and money for a candidate to get around the state would be minimal. The money saved could be used in the General Election. Wyoming Democratic voters could be convince to listen to their computers in their own homes to really get a bead on the candidates, plus they could call in with their questions, comments and viewpoints.

My campaign officially launches on July 10th, Statehood Day. I will be asking all of you to forward my ideas and thoughts to your fellow citizens in your E-mail address book. This is one way you can give a progressive Senatorial candidate a chance to reach the voters with a minimum amount of effort on your part.

Candidate Keith 'let's get this Party started' Goodenough

Welcome to my campaign


Campaign contributions are welcome. In keeping with my longstanding policy, I accept a maximum of $100 from any individual. I do not accept donations from Political Action Committees (PACs).

If you would like to donate, mail to:
Goodenough for Wyoming
PO Box 1852
Casper WYO 82602

E-mail me

Wyoming Constitution...Article 1, Section 1: All power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety and happiness; for the advancement of these ends they have at all times an inalienable and indefeasible right to alter, reform or abolish the government in such manner as they may think proper.